Beat the Bloat and Lose the Festive Flab!

hot lemon and ginger, fiona kirk, fiona kirk books, soup can make you thin, detoxing, january diets

How did it go? Have you managed to swing into 2016 without having overindulged and packed on a few pounds? Or was there simply too much food and drink everywhere you went and it all went a bit pear-shaped?

Don't despair, help is at hand! And yes, you guessed it - soup is involved! But, stick with me here as there are monumentally good reasons why....

Weight gain over the festive season is very often as a result of us retaining water which is why we don't just feel tired and a bit toxic but also why we feel bloated and uncomfortable. In essence, it's all about having had too much of everything over a relatively short space of time and our hard-working livers have struggled just a little to keep up their sterling work!

soup, new year diets, fiona kirk, fiona kirk books, detoxing, tomato soup

Many are tempted to detox - and there's no shortage of advice on how to go about this with the internet stuffed full of impossibly-strict diets every January - but I have said it before and I will say it again - it's a rocky (and sometimes dangerous) road and I urge you not to get swept into the crazy detox obsession. The liver is perfectly capable of doing its detoxification job when we give it a helping hand rather than forcing it into overdrive which tends to catapult it into a frenzy and make us feel pretty goddamned awful along the way. And, this is where soup comes in...

The best way to beat the bloat and reverse water retention is to increase our consumption of liquids which is why we need to stay hydrated with regular glasses or small bottles of still, clean water each day but we need nourishment along the way and a good soup is hard to beat on this front. Fluid and nourishment in the one mug or bowl - sorted!

fiona kirk, fiona kirk books, soup can make you thin, soup, diets, detox, january diets

So, here's the plan! I have devised a diet (click here for all the details), based on the principles of my Soup Can Make You Thin diet that you can launch into today and not only tackle any bloating issues that may have occurred over the festive season but also prompt some very satisfying weight loss from day one!

Have a go and let me know how it goes! 


You can also buy the diet book or cook book on Amazon.


Where's My Newsletter?

Good question! I appear to have fallen a bit behind - only excuse I can offer is that writing and publishing the new Diet Secrets Uncovered series of 10 books has been a monster of a project and I am only now coming up for air!

Good news however - there’s one on the way and plenty more to follow as diet and nutrition headlines (the good, the bad and the downright ugly) are coming at you tsunami-style and someone has to endeavour to cut through the confusion and give you an unbiased view!

Here are just a few of the subjects I intend to cover over the next couple of months:

  • Bone Broths: delicious, nutritious and highly-respected for their collagen-enhancing properties for great skin, hair, nail and bone health. Time to get the soup pot out!
  • Matcha Green Tea: much more than just an afternoon beverage - there are exciting ways you can sling this super-protective ‘green giant’ into your meals and snacks.
  • Charcoal Sticks: are you using them to filter impurities out of your tap water and saving yourself a fortune by body swerving bottled water? What’s the science behind this impressive little mineral-rich stick? 
  • Fermented Foods: why they are taking centre stage when it comes to improved digestive health, a reduction in inflammatory conditions and weight loss.
  • Hybrid Fruits and Vegetables: exciting times are afoot with new varieties hitting the shelves. First there were kalettes and plutos, now there are broccoflowers and limequats with a few more waiting in the wings. Is it time to get a bit more adventurous and join the ‘9 a Day’ squad for a super boost to your immune system?
  • Sea Vegetables: are you getting the max for optimum thyroid health and a daily metabolic boost? For hormone balance and weight loss, they pack a real punch.
  • Healthy Breakfasts: bin the classic cereal and toast options - it’s time to start breakfasting like you mean it with influences from around the globe and get some more protein and fat into your first meal of the day for successful fat loss!
  • Packed Lunches: the healthy and satisfying packed lunch is already growing arms and legs but there's plenty more you can do to ensure yours ticks all the right boxes and keeps you at the top of your game through a busy afternoon.
  • Food Footprints: we are beginning to get the message but there's still a lot we can do on a personal level. Think pasture-fed animals, locally sourced products, sustainable fish stocks etc, feel just a little bit smug that you are helping to ‘save the planet’ and make your meals and snacks really special and tasty.
  • Conquering Cravings: ever considered that vitamin and mineral deficiencies might be the cause of your desperate urge to wolf down a sugary or salty snack? Uncover the reasons behind your cravings and you are onto a winner!

If you already subscribe to my newsletters and have missed my nutritional nuggets over the past few months, I trust I can redeem myself with lots of news to keep you up to speed with what’s going on in the field of diet and nutrition and should you have only recently come across me and my books, SIGN UP NOW FOR FREE and allow me to share a host of weight loss tips and tricks with you.

Love your skin and lose a few pounds!

A super slim body and great skin, hair and nails are what we all want before we take off on holiday - particularly if we are heading to the beach! And what about when we get back home? A few too many hours in the sun and perhaps rather too much holiday overindulgence can result in our skin looking a bit 'over-cooked' and our waistlines looking a bit 'over-generous'!

Holidays are about having fun and feeling great, not about having to carefully watch everything you eat and drink but many of us are guilty of leaving things a little late to get the body beautiful looking at its best before we go so a few days (or more) on my Super Skin Diet can make a real difference and as this diet is really easy to follow, you can leap back into it the minute you have unpacked the suitcase on your return!

Click here to find out more about my Super Skin Diet and give your skin, hair, nails and waistline some serious attention before and after your fun in the sun holiday break!

Time may be tight but it's never too late to give yourself a real boost and look and feel great!

More excitement on the way!

Gone are the days when we can be enticed to try a recipe that merely provides a brief explanation, a list of ingredients and a method - we all want an image which prompts  us to race out and get the ingredients before we head into the kitchen now! The extremely patient and long-suffering photographer who, over the last few years  has taken all the shots of my recipes for all my books, is currently polishing his lenses and has agreed to take on the mammoth task of shooting the 40+ new recipes that feature in the Diet Secrets Uncovered series of books.

There's a lot of cooking to be done (by me!) and probably a lot of laughs to be had (by both of us!) when things don't exactly go to plan but I am well-excited about seeing the results which I hope, when you see them, will tempt you to give them a go and make weight loss a delicious and never dull experience! 

Have a look at some of Keny's other work - it's brilliant and inspiring stuff!