Make it Hot and Spicy this Valentines Night

Fiona Kirk Nutrition Fat Loss Valentines Day Chilli

Scientists seem determined to spoil all our fun by reminding us that there is no evidence of food having aphrodisiacal properties but do we care? The fact remains that certain foods are rich in plant chemicals that aid the release of mood-enhancing endorphins, increase blood flow and heart rate and stimulate nerve endings and spicy foods are right up there!

Chillies - particularly raw - are tops for turning up the heat and sending out all manner of passion-boosting messages throughout the body but if they are a bit too hot for you to handle, ginger, cinnamon, mustard, black and cayenne pepper are not far behind!

Fiona Kirk Nutrition Valentines Day Top Ingredients

Don’t let lack of scientific proof dampen your ardour and treat yourself and your partner/date to something spicy this year. Here are a few suggestions:


  • Start the day with a fruit smoothie with a generous grating of fresh ginger or a plate of warming porridge with a dollop of fresh cream, a drizzle of honey and a generous shake of cinnamon powder.
  • Have a bowl of my Blazingly Hot Tomato Soup and one of my Warm Salads for lunch (and remember to pitch plenty of mustard into the dressing).
  • Snack on dark chilli chocolate (Lindt, Green & Black’s or Montezuma’s are all widely available) and/or… if you have time, melt a few squares in the microwave and dip fresh fruits into the silky-smooth goo.
  • If you are staying in and cooking up something special, try my Sweet Potato Curry (sweet and hot!) Order in a Geng Kheaw Wan Gai (Green Curry Chicken) from your local Thai takeaway if you are not in the mood to cook or if you plan to dine out, you can’t beat Mexican for heat - the incredible range of chilli peppers they use in their cooking is legend and when it comes to hot date nights, are in a zone of their own


How will you celebrate Valentines Day? Share your plans using the hashtag #DietNotDepravation