Add Some Soup to Your Chinese New Year


To maintain overall good health, the Chinese regularly sup soups and broths - either on their own or before a meal. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on keeping balance within the body and herbs and spices plus the broth created from hours of cooking meat bones are just one of the many principles it champions.

Fiona Kirk Nutrition Duck Soup Soup Can Make You Thin

In the West, we take rather many liberties with traditional Chinese cooking but nevertheless, we are enthusiastic fans and have, over the decades, learned a lot from their food culture and increasingly relish the health benefits of a nutritious and delicious broth. So, with the greatest respect to their age-old doctrines and in a bid to share (albeit from a Western perspective) in the Chinese New Year celebrations this year, why not try my light, quick, easy and warming Duck Broth with Egg Noodles and Bok Choy