Howzabout Some 'Me' Time?

Treat Yourself to a Cleansing Weekend!

If your diary is not chock-a-block with social events or the kids are going to be off doing their own thing or the weather forecast is deeply depressing, why not stuff your eReader full of great novels (or get that big fat paperback you have been meaning to read off the bookshelf), find a particularly comfy and cozy corner at home and have a ‘me’ weekend where you can read, relax (and snooze, of course!) and treat your body to a regenerative cleanse.

It’s not about fasting - that more-often-than-not results in mind-numbing headaches! - it’s simply about giving your entire system a chance to reboot and if you are looking to lose a few pounds, offers some very satisfying results.

Important advice before you get started: you have to plan ahead, shop ahead and most importantly, don’t let anyone or anything interfere with your ‘me’ weekend.

Click here to take you to my web page which has all the details you need plus a few crucial tips to help you stick with it through the weekend and come out the other end feeling great!