Lots Going On!

The new book has been featured widely in newspapers, magazines and online sites with more to come over the next month or two - have a quick look at my press page to see what they are all saying...

press page.jpg

The free book competition I offered to those of you who subscribe to my newsletters was a huge success and rather than giving away just 10 books, I decided to give away 30 - I hope all the winners are enjoying it and getting comfortable with all the new recipes and fat loss tips! And the same applies to the hundreds who were not in the first 30 to respond with the correct answer. I tried to email everyone who entered but if for some reason you 'slipped through the net' - apologies!

And... huge thanks to all of you who have been emailing me with queries - I am working my way through them and promise I will get back to you very soon.

In the meantime, if you are heading off on holiday and have a horrible suspicion that you have left it a bit late to shed a few pounds, try a few Soup and Juice Days - they work a treat! Click on my slideshare presentation below which includes a few slides explaining 'how to make them work for you'!