Bare All with Confidence - Bone Broth

Bone Broth is Fabulous for Fat Loss!

And... it needn’t involve hours in the kitchen! Not only are animal bones super-rich in collagen - an essential protein which is vital for healthy bones and muscles and wrinkle-free skin but in combination with a few vegetables, herbs and spices, a good bone broth helps to keep inflammation (one of our major weight loss adversaries) at bay. It is also extremely nourishing whilst providing loads of energy-generating rather than waistline-expanding calories to our day.

My quickest and easiest bone broth involves putting 8 chicken wings (and a couple of chicken feet if you can get them!) into an oven-proof pot with an onion, a carrot, a couple of celery stalks, a few garlic cloves, a bouquet garni (or a bunch of fresh thyme, some parsley and a bay leaf), half a dozen black peppercorns, a teaspoon of sea salt crystals and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, covering the whole lot with water, bringing slowly to the boil then transferring the pot to the oven on its lowest setting for as many hours as you can (overnight works well).

Next day, strain the broth into a bowl through a fine sieve, transfer to the fridge and leave until very cold (this results in the fat and any scum rising to the top, becoming hard and therefore super-simple to remove with a slotted spoon). Simply return the broth to a soup pot and simmer over a medium heat to reduce (the more reduced, the tastier), check the seasoning then bag in portions (small soup bags are great), refrigerate or freeze and heat one through thoroughly in a microwave or on the hob before devouring mid morning, mid afternoon or whenever you need a nourishing pick-me-up.


View all my Bare All This Summer Top Tips here.