Sugar Free Farm - What Have We Learned So Far?
/I am determined to take a positive view on this new celebrity show despite the fact that so far, after just one episode, the best bits without question, were the looks on the faces of the resident farm workers who are clearly totally bemused by the whole thing! Let’s hope that at some point during the series we get some feedback from them as this will likely make great TV!
But back to the aim of the programme as I see it; to make us crucially-aware of the effect that too much sugar (in all its different guises) has on our bodies and brains so that we make every effort to greatly reduce our intake and dependence on it and adopt a healthier lifestyle which includes cooking and eating fresh foods which deliver the kind of nourishment we need to feel better, look better and live longer.
Poor Jennifer is certainly not having the best time in the early stages and is a fairly classic example of how going cold turkey equals misery if your diet has been loaded with sugar for some time BUT she had medics in attendance, was able to go to bed and nurse her pounding headache and aches and pains and by the time she reappeared, the important others had prepared a deliciously-healthful dinner for her to graze on!
IMPORTANT NOTE NUMBER ONE: don’t even consider this course of action unless you know you have a few days where no-one and nothing is going to interfere with your misery! You simply won’t make it through a demanding day without sobbing into your super-green smoothie and making a beeline for the paracetamol.
However, if episode one has stirred your stumps and you have determined on the back of the evidence (courtesy of the copious bags of sugar!) that there’s way too much of it in your life and it’s time to seriously clean up your diet, here are a few breakfast/early morning snack suggestions to get you well on the reduced sugar road before you tune in to next week’s programme and watch the inevitable mood swings which may rock the boat more than just a little! And I will be back with another unbiased crit and more helpful tips…
Click on any of the images below to take you to my recipe page where you can download, save and print off those that are going to fit comfortably into your life this week.
What did you think to Sugar Free Farm? Let me know using the hashtag #SugarFreeFarm