Are you Getting the Max from your Super-Seeds?

When eaten raw and by the handful, no matter how ‘super-nutritious’ they may be, seeds have a nasty habit (unless your digestive system is in really tip-top condition) of cruising their way through the digestive process without being properly broken down into their relevant parts and releasing their wonderfulness into your bloodstream and delivering the goods to your body cells. Irritating when you are doing your very best to get maximum nourishment from your diet? Yes!

But it’s really not that difficult to redress the situation and here’s how. Soak them, crush them, grind them, roast/toast them or allow them to wallow for a while in soups, stews, smoothies and/or ‘live’ yoghurt so they start to become a little more digestion-friendly and it will all come good! They make great, super-nourishing and fat-busting snacks but if your digestive system is not up to breaking them down into their nutritionally-important, component parts, it can be a bit of a waste of time and money when all they do is ‘come out the other end’ or cause sleepless nights as your digestive system struggles to deal with them.