Welcome to Diet Secrets Uncovered

A new site and a new blog - exciting times! The new series of books have taken some considerable time to bring together but I hope you will find them as interesting to read as I found them to write. Research into how to get healthier and stay healthier is moving at pace so I plan to blog at pace to keep you up to speed!

As you will note on the home page, each book is aimed at a different audience and each presents a wealth of information on not only why you may be struggling to make your diet work for you so you feel better, look better and if need be - lose weight but also provides a choice of diets, exercise suggestions and supplement considerations that are going to help you see results - fast!

I spend half my life writing and the other half cooking and experimenting with foods to ensure that every meal and snack in the diets I devise are delicious and nutritious so if you enjoy spending just a little bit of time in the kitchen, I hope you will enjoy preparing some or all of the recipes in the Diet Secrets Uncovered books. Most are quick to prepare like the Crispy-Topped Fish below and many are transportable for packed lunches and on-the-go snacks and I will shortly be introducing a recipes page so you can download a few and make them part of your culinary repertoire!

crispy topped fish