More excitement on the way!

Gone are the days when we can be enticed to try a recipe that merely provides a brief explanation, a list of ingredients and a method - we all want an image which prompts  us to race out and get the ingredients before we head into the kitchen now! The extremely patient and long-suffering photographer who, over the last few years  has taken all the shots of my recipes for all my books, is currently polishing his lenses and has agreed to take on the mammoth task of shooting the 40+ new recipes that feature in the Diet Secrets Uncovered series of books.

There's a lot of cooking to be done (by me!) and probably a lot of laughs to be had (by both of us!) when things don't exactly go to plan but I am well-excited about seeing the results which I hope, when you see them, will tempt you to give them a go and make weight loss a delicious and never dull experience! 

Have a look at some of Keny's other work - it's brilliant and inspiring stuff!