An Alternative Burns Supper

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face...

Fiona Kirk Nutrition Burns Night

As Robert himself exclaims -

"auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware that jaups in luggies: but, if ye wish her grateful prayer, gie her a Haggis"

(Old Scotland wants no watery stuff, that splashes in small wooden dishes; but if you wish her grateful prayer, give her [Scotland] a Haggis)

No watery stuff indeed Mr. Burns. So in honour of the big man's birthday I'm bringing you a run down of the best alternative ways to enjoy your Burn's Night tonight from around the internet:






We start with a simple dish from Jamie Oliver - Tattie Scones with Smoked Salmon.

Jamie adds scrambled eggs to his for more of a breakfast take but I think it would work great as a starter. Or if you made wee tattie scones, they would make marvellous canapés!















Next we have Hardeep Singh Kholi's Haggis Baba Ganoush on The Scotsman.

You can make a massive batch of this for your guests to snack on or you could do some individual portions as a side dish as it is quite a light one considering it's haggis content.

There's actually some great Burns Night dishes on The Scotsman's site. If you're feeling adventurous I'd try the Haggis Cannelloni from Tom Kitchn!













Another starter from Evening Standard to consider, and you know I love to get a soup into anyone's diet - Neeps & Tatties Soup.

They've switched out normal potatoes for sweet potatoes which is inspired. This will add a lovely richness to the dish and also give you that great orange colour.















A Wee Pinch of Sugar brings us Haggis, Leeks and Scallops to give a surf and turf feel to your evening. 

Add a Whiskey Mac-esq. sauce for a nice twist on a classic.














Then of course there's my own Warm Haggis Salad.

Great for any occasion and also delicious if you mix in some black pudding too!









Or you could always make one you self like Food Urchin over on Great British Chefs....


Have a great evening all and please do share your Burns Night creations using the hashtag #DietNotDepravation