Bare All with Confidence - healthy skin
/Image Simple Sense Now
Big improvement in the weather in the UK (at last!) - not sure how it’s going for the rest of you who live in various different corners of the globe - but i hope the sun has got its hat on! So… as we start to peel off the layers of woolies and put the heavy coats and boots to the back of the wardrobe for a while, it’s time to start thinking about doing everything we can to look and feel good in the light, floaty and perhaps even micro-mini garments that we love to wear when the sun finally comes out and stays out!
Over the next few weeks, I will be offering a host of summer tips and tricks that should help achieve the body beautiful without too much hassle involved!
I will be covering weight loss, skin, hair and nail health, a few outdoor exercise recommendations with other cracking little tips and tricks along the way so stay tuned! Here's one to get you started...
top tip: get the skin brush out
Lightly brushing the skin with a dry brush or loofah stimulates the circulation, removes dead skin cells and promotes elimination. Start brushing at your feet and brush towards the heart, then brush from the fingertips up to the shoulders and toward the heart (don’t forget the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands). Use small strokes and a gentle pressure - you’re not brushing the dog! Avoid the face and neck area and any damaged or bruised skin. Jump into the shower and have a good rinse to get rid of the dead skin cells before soaping. If you are brave enough, you can turn the shower to cold (but not freezing) for a few minutes before you dry off to encourage your body to launch into a bit more fat burning to keep warm. NB: if you have an ongoing health condition or are on medication, check with your doctor before considering this rude awakening!
Another great tip is to have a mug of Hot Lemon and Ginger after your skin brushing and showering to calm the digestive system and further the elimination of toxins. Add grated, fresh ginger, lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt to boiling water, leave to cool a little then add a spoonful of Manuka honey and sip.
View all my Bare All This Summer Top Tips here.