please don't be taken in by the scammers!
/Over the years, I have been aware that there are more than just a few very dodgy websites offering free downloads of my books and January always appears to be the month that they all come out of the woods! Please don't be taken in or tempted to sign up - they are scams - all of them!
Should I decide to offer free downloads of my books at any time - I will always flag this up on my website and direct you to a bona fide link!
As soup is such a big plus for weight loss at this time of the year, my Soup Can Make You Thin diet and Soup Can Make You Thin: The Cookbook are being offered for free on a number of websites but heed this warning...
What most of the scammers do is ask for your credit card details before they grant you the opportunity to download books, movies etc for free and once they have your details, you can almost see the smiles on their faces as they empty your wallet and make it very difficult for you to unsubscribe.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever, go to and enter the website name. In most cases you will be horrified at some of the stories people have to tell...
happy new year to all!