Street Parties, Gallons of Guinness and A Good Chance of a Hangover!

Fiona Kirk Nutrition St Patricks Day Hangover

Whether you are celebrating today or over the weekend, St Patrick’s Day events tend to involve perhaps a little too much alcohol! Here are a few of my protein and fat-rich recipes that do a grand job of slowing down the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream plus a few helpful tips which, with a bit of Irish luck will minimise the suffering!


  • Feast before you head out

  • Aim to match every drink with a large glass of water.

  • Make a point of having a snack (and more water) before bed.

Poached Egg Special

Poached Egg Special

Mediterranean Rice Bake

Mediterranean Rice Bake

Crisp Bread with Salmon, Cottage Cheese and Courgette

Crisp Bread with Salmon, Cottage Cheese and Courgette