It's been a busy day or two!

Firstly, huge thanks to the Mail Online and The Mirror for not only featuring articles on my new series of books but also for allowing me to contribute massively to the content. I wouldn't envy any journalist who decided to try and encapsulate the content of the 10 books into just one piece - there has been a lot of scribbling over the past year and needless to say, the bulk of it is permanently-fixed in my brain as I have been over and over and over the manuscripts more times than I care to remember!

Secondly, huge thanks to those of you who are patiently waiting for the last few to be downloadable and for the print versions of each of the books to be ready for purchase through Amazon - won't be long, I promise!

Thirdly, and most importantly to me, thanks to all who have bought and downloaded the books - I fervently hope they deliver everything you want from them and guess what? Most of them have hit the top 20 in the Kindle Best Sellers list with Menopausal Women having hit the NUMBER ONE SLOT in Diets and Weight Loss - that's a first for me! I simply can't thank you enough for your support and for the many hundreds of enthusiastic emails I have received from you over the past 24 hours. Writing a book 'aint easy, writing 10 is total madness but you, my readers keep me going even when I am so tired that I begin to wonder just how bonkers I really am and whether I am ever going to complete the massive project! 

Welcome to Diet Secrets Uncovered

A new site and a new blog - exciting times! The new series of books have taken some considerable time to bring together but I hope you will find them as interesting to read as I found them to write. Research into how to get healthier and stay healthier is moving at pace so I plan to blog at pace to keep you up to speed!

As you will note on the home page, each book is aimed at a different audience and each presents a wealth of information on not only why you may be struggling to make your diet work for you so you feel better, look better and if need be - lose weight but also provides a choice of diets, exercise suggestions and supplement considerations that are going to help you see results - fast!

I spend half my life writing and the other half cooking and experimenting with foods to ensure that every meal and snack in the diets I devise are delicious and nutritious so if you enjoy spending just a little bit of time in the kitchen, I hope you will enjoy preparing some or all of the recipes in the Diet Secrets Uncovered books. Most are quick to prepare like the Crispy-Topped Fish below and many are transportable for packed lunches and on-the-go snacks and I will shortly be introducing a recipes page so you can download a few and make them part of your culinary repertoire!

crispy topped fish