Don't Use Artificial Sweeteners if you Want to Lose Weight and Look After Your Health
Several large-scale studies have now found positive correlations between artificial sweetener use, weight gain and diminishing health in both adults and children. Here’s an overview of just a few. Please feel free to contact me should you wish links to the studies...
- 3,682 adults over a 7-8 year period were found to have consistently higher BMIs at follow up.
- 78,694 women using artificial sweeteners gained weight compared to non-users matched by their initial weight.
- 31,940 women gained weight over an 8 year period when using saccharin.
- a positive association between diet soda and weight gain was seen in 11,654 boys between the ages of 9 and 14.
- 3,111 children and young adults had a significantly elevated BMI when their diet regularly included diet soda.
I have lost count of the number of people who tell me (and understandably believe, thanks to brilliant marketing) that because their fizzy drinks are always 'diet' or 'zero' it's all good and they are keeping their sugar consumption down. Not so fast! Sadly, the brain doesn't do a particularly good job of distinguishing between natural sugars and chemically-distorted, artificial sugars - it's all just sugar of one sort or another! And whilst too many natural sugars from the food we eat and the drinks we consume are likely to get it all charged-up and happy for a while (whilst not necessarily doing our waistlines much good if we overdose) the above studies rubber-stamp my continuing advice when it comes to sweeteners.....