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Well... largely as a result of the so-called obesity crisis worldwide and the extremely worrying health threats posed by being overweight or clinically obese, research into diet, eating and lifestyle habits has gone into orbit with increasing funds being dedicated to finding out where it has all gone so horribly wrong and what we should do in a bid to reverse the unfolding drama.

So... what better time than now to bring the 2 Weeks in the Fast Lane Diet right up to speed with a wealth of research-backed changes we can all make over the space of two weeks to make fat loss a reality rather than a vague hope!

have a quick look at the food gallery of recipes involved in the diet!

how to get your copy

the new book is available in a number of different formats (click on the links):

eBook through kindle.co.uk, kindle.com, kobo and nook

multi-touch interactive iBook through apple iBooks

paperback through amazon.co.uk and amazon.com

here's a short, lighthearted video to give you an idea of what's involved in the new diet!